Friday, June 11, 2010


Is it just me or do cops just tend to scare the crap out of people? I thought they were supposed to be there for us to feel safe and protected, but in the end they just end up intimidating us until the point where we are downright scared of them. The reason my topic is about cops today is because two days ago, well technically three now, a guy in my French class got taken by two cops. I think he got expelled, but I don't know.

This kid is not the type of kid that you would expect this from. He is a full IB student, and on top of that he's Asian, and we all know how crazy strict Asians can be with their children. As far as I knew, he didn't seem like the type that would do drugs, but I guess I was wrong. I'm not sure if he really was "arrested" for doing drugs, but that's what everyone is saying. I put arrested in quotation marks because he wasn't handcuffed or anything, just called from the room by a pair of police officers and the assistant principal.

There are two possible reasons as to why he was taken from the classroom: one, is obviously drugs, and the other is that he was making fake bus passes. Yes, bus passes. The kid was making freaking bus passes. I mean what the hell is that? I can understand fake IDs and other stuff, but fake BUS PASSES? REALLY? Are people really that desperate to take the bus and not pay for that measly $2.50? Oh, sorry forgot that here in Edmonton it is now a WHOPPING $2.75. In the end, my respect for this kid has kinda gone down now. Not just because he was selling drugs, or doing drugs, or making fake bus passes, but because he was stupid enough to get caught. Oh, and the fact that he was making fake bus passes that could easily be copied by anyone! And I mean ANYONE!

But let's go back to our main topic: cops. Police officers. Popos. Whatever you call them. The cops that were brought in by our vice principal were not nice looking and everyone in the class was shitting their pants because they were so scared. And even after they left, although everyone was relieved that they were not the ones being arrested, we were all scared that this guy was going to be beaten up buy a pair of corrupt cops. It is know that Edmonton, Alberta has one of the most corrupt police forces, so it wasn't completely out of the question.

I guess that's all I really have to say, and I know that's kinda lame, but since nobody really reads this...IT DOESN'T MATTER :P

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